Our big election news: early results show Micki Strawinski winning a very close race for County Legislature with a final tally of 1209 to Ben’s 1168. Unofficial reports also showed about 104 absentee ballots to be counted, which leaves the race technically unfinished yet likely still won once official results are in.
This result represents a huge shift in voter sentiment from her previous run in 2011 when she lost by 308. Since that time Micki worked hard to learn the County issues, often attending County meetings and speaking up for Red Hook more strongly than sitting legislators. During this year’s campaign, Micki spoke with many hundreds of voters about their concerns on what many see as poor handling of issues like the new jail and the County finances. She promises to push the County to take a more responsible approach.
As expected, Red Hook turnout was low at approx 34%–even lower than in 2011 when 41% voted.